What we’re doing to better service you!
With a new year comes new opportunities and (hopefully) an invigorated outlook on the world. Sometimes a few ‘new years resolutions’! Unfortunately, there will likely be some injuries mixed in with the adventures of 2015. Fear not, however – the physiotherapists at Inspired Physiotherapy are always learning how to better assess and treat our patients – here is a sneak peek at some of the courses the Inspired team will be doing this year!
Active Release Techniques (ART) –
You may have heard of ART (or even had this technique used on you at a massage clinic or physio in the past!). It is popular amongst the active and athletic populations for it’s ability to target and release ‘problem’ areas quickly. It involves ‘massage with movement’, feeling for changes in tissue quality and focusing on problem areas. It can be helpful in a number of common aches and pains – headaches, shoulder pain, lower back pain, shin splints, tennis elbow and many others.
Watson Headache Course –
The Watson approach to headaches and migraines is based on carefully assessing the upper neck joints and their movement in a number of ways, to identify the particular level/joint that is contributing to your headache. The techniques used are non-manipulative (there is no ‘cracking’ of the neck), instead relying on the temporary reproduction and resolution of your normal headache when examining movement in the neck joints. This approach has the benefit of confirming whether or not your neck is involved in your headache, and identifying the precise joints involved – increasing the chances of successfully treating the problem.
K-Taping –
Kinesio tape has gotten quite popular in recent years. K Tape very closely mimics the properties of your skin – it’s stretch, recoil and thickness are all designed with this in mind. This taping method allows for a much more dynamic treatment effect – as the tape is elastic and moves with you, we can use the tape to improve mechanics and function without being restrictive.
The team at Inspired Physiotherapy strives to provide the best assessment and treatment possible, so that you are back on your feet in as little time as possible. If you have a niggle or injury that needs attention, please contact us on 9686 8825.
Chris Mooney