Deb Mooney
Director / Senior Physiotherapist
Registered Physiotherapist (APA Member)
- B.App.Sc. (Medial Radiation Sciences – Radiation Therapy)
- Master of Physiotherapy
- APA Sports Physiotherapy Level 1
- Integrated Dry Needling (Andrew Hutton) – Level 1 & 2
- APA Sports Taping / Kinesio Taping / Rock Taping
- Mulligan’s Concept – Upper & Lower Quadrant
- Dean Watson Headache Course -Level 1
- McKenzie Institute Part A and B
- Hip Differential & Prescriptive Diagnosis with Trish Wiseby-Roth
- 3D Assessment & Treatment of Cervical/Thoracic Spine & Ribs with Trish Wisbey-Roth
- 3D Assessment & Treatment of the Lumbar Spine & Pelvis Trish Wisbey-Roth
- Running Rehab: Running retraining & exercise performance
- Travelling & tutoring for the Australian Physiotherapy Association
About Deb
Deb is a Sydney University Masters Graduate of Physiotherapy. Being a keen dancer growing up in the Hills area Deb has also completed her Major 3 level in Ballet (Australian Dance Assessment Program) and has always been intrigued by the human body and how it works.
As a dance teacher, Deb has always been keen to make sure that she is able to educate her clients about their body and how it functions. This includes participating in continued education where Deb is now proficient in Dry Needling and Rock taping.
Deb’s has over 10 years experience in the competitive powerlifting world and has returned to ballet and lyrical in more recent years. She is excited to be able to combine and share her skills in dance with her strength from powerlifitng. Outside of the office Deb enjoys snowboarding and playing with the resident Inspired Physio mascot, Benjamin (a cutie patootie German Shorthaired Pointer puppy).