The low-down on lockdown

Inspired Physio-6Welcome back to lockdown everyone…

Back in our last Sydney lockdown, Sara wrote a blog reminding us to keep moving throughout the work day. Ideally, every 30 minutes during the work day is going to be your best bet. Also, we’re all going to have a bit more time in the day without our commutes, so getting outside to exercise you could find that many of your aches and pains might disappear. (read the full blog here

What you may not have thought about though, is the silver lining this short break provides for all of those who play weekend or competitive sport. By this point in the season, it’s pretty likely that you’ve either had a niggle pop up, or you’re just sore through the week and barely making it to game day.

This two weeks off from competition can be looked at like a ‘choose your own adventure’ kind of deal:

  1. You could sit down and do nothing and stiffen up and increase your risk of injury when you get to go back.

  2. You could get your issues assessed and get a head start on things you can do to minimise the risk of these issues getting any worse, taking you out of the game when the season comes to the pointy end.

Personally, I’d choose option number 2. Here at Inspired Physio, we are can help ensure that when the season restarts, that you’re in the best shape possible to perform your best for the rest of the season.

In line with NSW Health advice, Inspired Physiotherapy is still open for business and we are taking all the necessary precautions and are implementing the highest level of hygiene and cleaning throughout the clinic.

If you are suffering from back/neck pain or headaches we are more than happy to assist you. Please call the clinic today!