The Squat

UntitledAre you doing it correctly?

We squat on a daily basis but may not even know it. We squat to pick something off the floor, to get in and out of a chair and even to get on and off the toilet. But are you sure you’re doing it right?


Squat myths BUSTED!

Top 3 myths about squats:

1. Squats are bad for your knees: Squats are NOT bad for your knees. They are actually GOOD for your knees and there is legitimate research that states that squatting reduces not only the rate of injuries but also the time it takes to recover from injuries that do occur. The squat is commonly used to gain lean muscle mass and also as a rehabilitative exercise post injury.  Studies have also shown that squatting below parallel depth increases the stability of the knee.

2. Squats are bad for your back: This myth is typically fueled by people who have squatted with incorrect form and have hurt themselves. If using correct form where the lower back remains in a neutral position, the squat can help to strengthen the back muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps and gluteals.

3. Smith machine squats are safer then regular squats: The smith machine increases the stability of the bar but decreases the body’s neutralizer and stabilizer muscle functions. It tends to be very hard on the patella tendon and anterior cruciate ligaments (knee stabilizers) and has poor carry over to everyday movements.

5 daily activities involving the squat

1. Sit on a seat – the deeper the seat the more strength requiredToilet

2. Getting on and off the toilet – standard toilet height is 40-45cm (Dimensions info, 2013)

3. Weeding/gardening often involves squatting to the ground

4. Getting in and out of the car

5. Getting up and down stairs – simulates a single squat / lunge

Back Squat Technique

Key Points:

  • Hips back & knees out
  • Weight through heels
  • Bar over midfoot
  • Bar position will dictate back angle

Common Errors:

  • Knees caving in
  • Hips rising before chest
  • Breathing out on descent
  • Coming forward on toes
  • Not going deep enough/going too deep
Squat tech

Hips back + Knees out = no hip impingement / pinching

Hip impingement = BAD

How can physiotherapy help you?

Physiotherapy can help educate you on how to perform a good squat despite your age, level of fitness or injury. We can also help to:

  • Improve strength
  • Improve fitness
  • Ensure correct technique is being used in your day to day fitness regime

A strength program can not only help you to lose weight and improve your fitness but it can also help to prevent osteoporosis. As we age resistance work is required to improve bone density.



Contact Inspired Physiotherapy on 9674 5596