Has your Netflix and Chill turned out to be Neckflix and Pain?

IMG_0957How often do you spend on the couch or in bed with your head in some awkward position on a pillow or cushion trying to relax while chilling out with some Netflix and you’ve woken up and now you can’t turn your neck thanks to what we’re now diganosing as Neckflix? We get asked a lot ‘is it my pillow causing my neck pain?’ and told that ‘I’ve spent so much money on pillows but can’t find the right one’ – so the next variable to consider is, is it the pillow OR is it your neck and how long you’ve committed to watching Netflix?

There a way too many pillows on the market – down pillows, memory foam, latex and then there are so many different cuts as well – side sleeper, back sleeper, sleepers that roll and starfish all over the place. No wonder it’s so confusing to decide which one is right for you.

However, the one thing that doesn’t change (but should) in the quest for the right pillow is your neck. Sometimes it’s not the pillow that’s the problem – it’s YOU! So how do you change your neck?

There are a our top three easiest tips and tricks that can be easily worked into your Netflix watching routine:

  • Step 1 – MOVE. I know we’re chilling but you’ll need snacks, you’ll need to use the bathroom and a 5 sec stand up and stretch isn’t going to take away from your viewing time. So get up and move!
  • The chin retraction – This is an easy one, sit high up on your sitting bones and gently pull your head in to make a double chin. Hold for 2 sec and repeat 3 or 4 times during your chill session. (Click here for video)
  • Tennis ball massage – If your couch is firm pop a tennis ball between your shoulder blades and lean back. Roll your shoulder around on the tennis ball for a quick massage of your upper back muscles. This can also be done on the floor. (Click here for video)

Don’t let your Netflix and Chill turn into Neckflix and pain – if you’ve tried our tips and tricks and your neck is still bothering you, you may need some professional physio guidance to get back on track and it’s as easy as visiting our online booking link below.

Deborah Chen, Physiotherapist

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